1.3. Thermal Control System#

1.3.1. Thermal control technologies#

To complement the conference, you can find an overview of cubesat’s thermal control technologies in the book available here in chapter 7.

Livre Cubesat

1.3.2. Cubesat thermal model#

The rest of the project requires a thermal model of the satellite to assess the heating requirements of the battery. The paper below:

Rossi, S., & Ivanov, A. (2013, September). Thermal model for cubesat: A simple and easy model from the Swisscube’s thermal flight data. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress (Vol. 13, pp. 9919-9928). Link

proposes a very simple 2-node model that can be used in the preliminary phase of a project.

1.3.3. Homework#

  • Propose a simple battery thermal control architecture.

  • Read the following article in order to be able to carry out a thermal balance taking into account a nanosatellite and a subsystem such as a battery.