Lab - Multirotor case study#

Multirotor UAVs are interesting mechatronic systems for dimensioning, particularly in an educational or academic context. They present a number of dimensioning scenarios involving components from several technologies. Couplings are numerous and strong, particularly in terms of on-board mass.

Readers interested in this subject may wish to take a closer look at the following references:

Delbecq, S., Budinger, M., Ochotorena, A., Reysset, A., & Defaÿ, F. (2020). Efficient sizing and optimization of multirotor drones based on scaling laws and similarity models. Aerospace Science and Technology, 102, 105873.

Budinger, M., Reysset, A., Ochotorena, A., & Delbecq, S. (2020). Scaling laws and similarity models for the preliminary design of multirotor drones. Aerospace Science and Technology, 98, 105658.


INSA Toulouse:

  • See ADE (Marc Budinger)

ISAE Supaero:

  • 12/01/2024: 4 hours lectures & labs (Scott Delbecq & Félix Pollet)

  • 19/01/2024: 6 hours lectures & labs (Scott Delbecq & Félix Pollet)


  • Project report & Written control (INSA Toulouse)

  • Project report (ISAE Supaero)


  • Project report & Written control (INSA Toulouse)