9.10. Sizing code of a DC/DC converter#

Written by Marc Budinger, INSA Toulouse, France

This notebook synthesizes here all the models in a sizing code.

9.10.1. Specifications of the DC/DC converter#

# DC/DC converter Specifications
E=300 # [V] DC bus voltage
IL=375 # [A] DC current of the load
UL=80 # [V] DC voltage of the load
T_amb=40 # [°C] Ambient temperature
# Design Assumptions
DE=E*.1 # [V] Max ripple voltage DC bus

# Assumptions for ecosizing
Tuse=5*365*8*3600 # [s] life time
Duse=300000 # [km] total travel

9.10.2. Sizing code#

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
from math import pi, sqrt
import timeit

def SizingDCDC(param, arg):
    # Variables
    # ----------------------------------------
    f=param[0]*1e3 # [Hz] switching frequency
    T_H=param[1] # [°C] Heatsink temperature (Heatsink)
    W_H=param[2] # [°C] Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink)
    e_D=param[3] # [m] air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor)
    J=param[4]*1e6 # [A/m²] wire current density (Inductor)
    D_H=param[5] # [m] Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor)
    k_C=param[6] # [m] Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor)
    k_IGBT=param[7] # [-] Oversizing coefficient (IGBT)
    DIL_IL=param[8] # [-] current ripple
    # Main electrical equations
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Global
    DIL=IL*DIL_IL # [-] current ripple
    Alpha=UL/E # [-] Duty cycle
    T=1/f # [s] PWM period
    # Filter: Inductor & Capacitor
    L=E*Alpha*(1-Alpha)*T/DIL  # [H] Inductance value
    C=k_C*IL*Alpha*(1-Alpha)*T/DE  # [F] Capacitance value
    # RMS and mean value
    IL_max = IL + DIL/2 # [A] Max current (load side) Inductor
    IL_RMS = IL*sqrt(1+1/12*(DIL/IL)**2) # [A] RMS current (load side) Inductor
    IC_RMS = sqrt(Alpha*(1-Alpha))*IL_RMS # [A] RMS current Capacitor
    I_IGBT_RMS=sqrt(Alpha)*IL_RMS # [A] RMS current IGBT
    I_IGBT_mean=Alpha*IL # [A] mean current IGBT
    I_Diode_RMS=sqrt(1-Alpha)*IL_RMS  # [A] RMS current Diode
    I_Diode_mean=(1-Alpha)*IL  # [A] mean current Diode
    # Inductor
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Assumptions
    B_mag=0.4 # [T] Induction
    k_bob=0.33 # [-] winding coefficient
    T_max_L=150 # [°C] Max temperature

    # Physical constants
    mu_0=4*3.14e-7 # [SI] permeability

    # Reference parameters for scaling laws (Pot core)

    D_ref=66.29e-3 # [m] External diameter
    H_ref=57.3e-3/2 # [m] 1 half core height

    Airon_ref=pi/4*(29.19**2-6.5**2)*1e-6    # [m^2] iron surface
    Awind_ref=43.28*(54.51-28.19)/2*1e-6    # [m^2] winding surface
    Rmoy_ref=(54.51-28.19)/2*1e-3 # [m] Mean radius for winding

    M_ref=225e-3  # [kg] 1 half core mass

    # Magnetic pi_0
    # Magnetic energy calculation
    E_mag=1/2*L*IL_max**2 # [J] Energy
    D=(E_mag*2*PI0_m*D_ref**4/J**2/k_bob**2/Awind_ref**2/mu_0)**(1/5) # External diameter calculation
    # Reluctance and inductance
    RL=PI0_m/mu_0/D  # [] reluctance
    N=np.sqrt(L*RL) # [-] turn number
    # Wire section & winding surface
    S_w=IL_RMS/J # [m²] 1 wire section area
    S_bob=N*S_w/k_bob # [m^2] winding surface
    # Core scaling
    A_iron=Airon_ref*(D/D_ref)**(2) # [m^2] iron surface
    A_wind=Awind_ref*(D/D_ref)**(2) # [m^2] winding surface
    H=H_ref*(D/D_ref)**(1) # [m] 1 half core height    
    Rmoy=Rmoy_ref*(D/D_ref)**(1) # [m] Mean radius for winding
    M_core =M_ref*(D/D_ref)**(3) # [kg] one half core mass

    # Magnetic field
    B=N*IL_max/RL/A_iron # [T]
    # Mass
    # Temperature calculation
    PI0_t = 0.0786 + 0.524*e_D -2.04*e_D**2 # PI0 thermal
    Rth=PI0_t/(0.5*D) # [K/W] thermal resistance
    PJ_L=J**2*2*pi*Rmoy*N*S_w*1.7e-8 # [W] Joules losses
    T_hot_L=T_H + PJ_L*Rth # [°C] Hot spot temperature
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Capacitor

    C_ref= 1000e-6 # [F] Capacitance ref
    D_C_ref= 100e-3 # [m] Diameter reference
    H_C_ref= 155e-3 # [m] Heigth reference
    V_C_ref= 800 # [V] reference voltage
    Rs_C_ref= 3.2e-3 # [Ohm] reference serial resistance
    Rth_C_ref = 3 # [°/W] reference thermal resistance
    M_C_ref=1.5 # [kg] reference mass
    T_max_C=80 # [°C] max temeprature
    # Scaling laws
    D_C=D_C_ref*(D_H*(C/C_ref))**(1/3) # [m] Capacitor diameter: C*=D*^2H*=D*^3/(D/H) ==> D*=(C*.D/H)^(1/3)
    H_C=D_C/D_H # [m] heigth
    Rs_C=Rs_C_ref*(D_C/D_C_ref)**(-2) # [Ohm] Rs resisatnce: Rs*=D*^-2
    Rth_C=Rth_C_ref*(D_C/D_C_ref)**(-2/3)*(H_C/H_C_ref)**(-1/3) # [K/W] Rth*=(D*2*H)^(-1/3)
    M_C= M_C_ref*(D_C/D_C_ref)**2*(H_C/H_C_ref) # [kg] Capacitor mass: M*=D*^2H*

    # Thermal calculation
    PJ_C=Rs_C*IC_RMS**2 # [W] Capacitor losses
    T_hot_C=T_H + PJ_C*Rth # [°C] Hot spot temperature
    # ----------------------------------------
    # IGBT module IXYS: 900V max
    I_IGBT_ref=80 # [A] Ref Current of the module
    V0_IGBT_ref=1 #[V] voltage drop 
    R0_IGBT_ref=20e-3 # [Ohm] dynamic resistance
    Ecom_IGBT_ref=8.2e-3 # [J] commutation energy ref
    E_IGBT_ref=450 # [V] ref voltage for commutation loss
    Rth_IGBT_ref=0.3 # [°C/W] thermal resistance
    T_max_IGBT=120 # [°C] max temperature
    # current estimation
    # IGBT scaling
    V0_IGBT=V0_IGBT_ref #[V] voltage drop 
    R0_IGBT=R0_IGBT_ref*(I0/I_IGBT_ref)**(-1) # [Ohm] R0*=I*^-1
    Ecom_IGBT=Ecom_IGBT_ref*(I0*E/(I_IGBT_ref*E_IGBT_ref)) # [J] commutation energy (Eon+Eoff)*=I*E*
    Rth_IGBT=Rth_IGBT_ref*(I0/I_IGBT_ref)**(-1) # [°/W] Rth*=I*^(-1)
    # Thermal calculation
    Ploss_IGBT=V0_IGBT*I_IGBT_mean+R0_IGBT*I_IGBT_RMS**2+f*Ecom_IGBT # [W] IGBT losses
    T_hot_IGBT=T_H + Ploss_IGBT*Rth_IGBT # [°C] IGBT junction temperature
    # Diode of IGBT module IXYS : 900V max  
    I_Diode_ref=41 # [A] Ref Current of the module
    V0_Diode_ref=1 #[V] voltage drop 
    R0_Diode_ref=15e-3 # [Ohm] dynamic resistance
    QrrE_ref=17.2e-3 # [J] commutation energy
    Rth_Diode_ref=0.47 # [°C/W] thermal resistance

    # Diode scaling
    V0_Diode=V0_Diode_ref #[V] voltage drop 
    R0_Diode=R0_Diode_ref*(I0/I_IGBT_ref)**(-1) # [Ohm] R0*=I*^-1
    QrrE=QrrE_ref*(I0*E/(I_IGBT_ref*E_IGBT_ref)) # [J] commutation energy (trrIrm)*=I*E*
    Rth_Diode=Rth_Diode_ref*(I0/I_IGBT_ref)**(-1) # [°/W] Rth*=I*^(-1)

    # Thermal calculation
    Ploss_Diode=V0_Diode*I_Diode_mean+R0_Diode*I_Diode_RMS**2+f*QrrE # [W] Diode losses
    T_hot_Diode=T_H + Ploss_Diode*Rth_Diode  # [°C] Hot spot temperature       
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Heatsink : forced convection (2m/s)
    Lhs=((D+D_C)*1.2)*1e3 # [mm] Heatsink length
    # Rth,f = 150*W**(-0.85)*H**(-0.62)*36.7*L**(-0.72) # [°/W] thermal resistance with W,H,L in mm
    # Rth,f = 5505*H**(-1.47)*W_H**(-0.85)*L**(-0.72)
    RthH=(T_H-T_amb)/(Ploss_Diode+Ploss_IGBT+PJ_C+PJ_L) # [°/W] Thermal resistance target
    Hhs=(RthH/5505/Lhs**(-0.72)/W_H**(-0.85))**(-1/1.47) # [mm] Height 
    Whs=Hhs*W_H # [mm] Width
    M_H=0.00263*Whs**0.91*Hhs**0.89*(Lhs/1e3)  # [kg] heatsink mass with W,H,L in mm
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Total mass
    # Embodied NRJ 
    # 12.6+3.6 kWh/kg copper 
    # 8+5.25 kWh/kg of ferrite
    # 40 kWh/kg of capacitor
    # 70 kWh/kg of aluminum
    # Total NRJ = EMbodied of mateiral + Power loss of converter + Crr added consumption of mass 
    Embodied_NRJ= M_H*70+M_copper*(12.6+3.6)+M_core*2*(8+5.25)+M_C*40+(Ploss_Diode+Ploss_IGBT+PJ_C+PJ_L)*Tuse/1000/3600+M_total*Crr*9.81*Duse*1e3/1000/3600
    # Objective and contraints
    if arg=='Obj':
        return M_total
    if arg=='ObjEco':
        return Embodied_NRJ/1e4
    elif arg=='Prt':
        print("* Optimisation variables:")
        print("           Frequency f= %.2e Hz"%(f))
        print("           Heatsink temperature (Heatsink) T_H= %.2f [°C]"%(T_H))
        print("           Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink) W_H= %.2f"%(W_H))
        print("           Air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor) e_D= %.2f"%(e_D))
        print("           Wire current density (Inductor) J= %.2g [A/m²]"%(J))
        print("           Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor) D_H= %.2f"%(D_H))
        print("           Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor) k_C= %.2f"%(k_C))
        print("           Oversizing coefficient (IGBT) k_IGBT= %.2f"%(k_IGBT))
        print("           Ripple current (DIL) DIL/IL= %.2f %%"%(DIL_IL*100))
        print("* Components characteristics:")
        print("           Global mass = %.2f kg"%(M_total))
        print("           Power = %.2f kW"%(IL*UL/1e3))
        print("           Efficiency = %.2f %%"%((IL*UL)/(IL*UL+(Ploss_Diode+Ploss_IGBT+PJ_C+PJ_L))*100))
        print("         ---- Inductor")
        print("           Inductance L = %.2g µH" % (L/1e-6))
        print("           Core (2) mass = %.2f kg" % (2*M_core))
        print("           Coil mass = %.2f kg" % M_copper)
        print("           Core dimensions = %.1f (diameter) x %.1f (heigth) mm"%((D*1e3,2*H*1e3)))
        print("           Airgap e = %.1f mm"%(e_D*D*1e3))
        print("           A_iron = %.0f mm^2"%(A_iron*1e6))
        print("           Number of turns = %i"%(N))
        print("           Power loss = %.1f W"%(PJ_L))  
        print("         ---- Capacitor")
        print("           Capacitance = %.2e F"%(C))
        print("           Mass = %.2f kg"%(M_C))
        print("           dimensions = %.1f (diameter) x %.1f (heigth) mm"%((D_C*1e3,H_C*1e3)))
        print("           H = %.2f mm"%(Hhs))  
        print("           Power loss = %.2e W"%(PJ_C))  
        print("         ---- IGBT + Diode")
        print("           Power loss IGBT= %.2f W"%(Ploss_IGBT))  
        print("           Power loss Diode= %.2f W"%(Ploss_Diode))  
        print("         ---- Heatsink")
        print("           Thermal resistance = %.2f K/W"%(RthH))
        print("           Mass = %.2f kg"%(M_H))
        print("           L = %.2f mm"%(Lhs))
        print("           W = %.2f mm"%(Whs))
        print("           H = %.2f mm"%(Hhs))  
        print("* Constraints (should be >0):")
        print("           Winding  surface margin = %.3f mm²" % ((A_wind-S_bob)*1e6))
        print("           Induction margin = %.3f T" %((B_mag-B)))
        print("           Temperature margin L= %.3f K" %(T_max_L-T_hot_L))
        print("           Temperature margin C= %.3f K" %(T_max_C-T_hot_C))
        print("           Temperature margin IBGT= %.3f K" %(T_max_IGBT-T_hot_IGBT))
        print("           Temperature margin Diode= %.3f K" %(T_max_IGBT-T_hot_Diode))
        return [A_wind-S_bob, B_mag-B, T_max_L-T_hot_L, (T_max_C-T_hot_C)*0,T_max_IGBT-T_hot_IGBT,T_max_IGBT-T_hot_Diode]

9.10.3. Optimization problem#

The first step is to give an initial value of optimisation variables:

#Variables d'optimisation
f=10 # [kHz] switching frequency
T_H=65 # [°C] Heatsink temperature (Heatsink)
W_H=.1 # [°C] Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink)
e_D=8e-3 # [-] air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor)
J=1 # [A/mm²] wire current density (Inductor)
D_H=1 # [-] Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor)
k_C=1 # [m] Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor)
k_IGBT=1 # [-] Oversizing coefficient (IGBT)
DIL_L=0.35 # [-] Max current ripple
# Vector of parameters
parameters = np.array((f,T_H,W_H,e_D,J,D_H,k_C,k_IGBT,DIL_L))

We can print of the characterisitcs of the problem before optimization with the intitial vector of optimization variables:

# Initial characteristics before optimization 
print("Initial characteristics before optimization :")

SizingDCDC(parameters, 'Prt')
Initial characteristics before optimization :
* Optimisation variables:
           Frequency f= 1.00e+04 Hz
           Heatsink temperature (Heatsink) T_H= 65.00 [°C]
           Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink) W_H= 0.10
           Air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor) e_D= 0.01
           Wire current density (Inductor) J= 1e+06 [A/m²]
           Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor) D_H= 1.00
           Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor) k_C= 1.00
           Oversizing coefficient (IGBT) k_IGBT= 1.00
           Ripple current (DIL) DIL/IL= 35.00 %
* Components characteristics:
           Global mass = 79.38 kg
           Power = 30.00 kW
           Efficiency = 93.82 %
         ---- Inductor
           Inductance L = 45 µH
           Core (2) mass = 17.97 kg
           Coil mass = 4.14 kg
           Core dimensions = 226.6 (diameter) x 195.8 (heigth) mm
           Airgap e = 1.8 mm
           A_iron = 7429 mm^2
           Number of turns = 4
           Power loss = 9.0 W
         ---- Capacitor
           Capacitance = 2.44e-04 F
           Mass = 0.24 kg
           dimensions = 62.5 (diameter) x 62.5 (heigth) mm
           H = 1479.09 mm
           Power loss = 2.27e+02 W
         ---- IGBT + Diode
           Power loss IGBT= 544.42 W
           Power loss Diode= 1196.27 W
         ---- Heatsink
           Thermal resistance = 0.01 K/W
           Mass = 57.04 kg
           L = 346.91 mm
           W = 147.91 mm
           H = 1479.09 mm
* Constraints (should be >0):
           Winding  surface margin = 962.072 mm²
           Induction margin = -0.132 T
           Temperature margin L= 78.416 K
           Temperature margin C= -150.926 K
           Temperature margin IBGT= -12.131 K
           Temperature margin Diode= -176.098 K

Then we can solve the problem and print of the optimized solution:

# Then we can solve the problem and print of the optimized solution:

# In[70]:

# optimization with SLSQP algorithm
contrainte=lambda x: SizingDCDC(x, 'Const')
objectif=lambda x: SizingDCDC(x, 'Obj')
result = scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp(func=objectif, x0=parameters, 
                                   f_ieqcons=contrainte, iter=100, acc=1e-8)

# Final characteristics after optimization 
print("Final characteristics after optimization :")

SizingDCDC(result, 'Prt')
Optimization terminated successfully    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: 39.56519064174541
            Iterations: 11
            Function evaluations: 113
            Gradient evaluations: 11
Final characteristics after optimization :
* Optimisation variables:
           Frequency f= 5.00e+03 Hz
           Heatsink temperature (Heatsink) T_H= 75.00 [°C]
           Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink) W_H= 3.00
           Air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor) e_D= 0.05
           Wire current density (Inductor) J= 3.2e+06 [A/m²]
           Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor) D_H= 2.00
           Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor) k_C= 1.15
           Oversizing coefficient (IGBT) k_IGBT= 4.48
           Ripple current (DIL) DIL/IL= 35.00 %
* Components characteristics:
           Global mass = 39.57 kg
           Power = 30.00 kW
           Efficiency = 94.71 %
         ---- Inductor
           Inductance L = 89 µH
           Core (2) mass = 15.47 kg
           Coil mass = 3.56 kg
           Core dimensions = 215.5 (diameter) x 186.3 (heigth) mm
           Airgap e = 10.1 mm
           A_iron = 6724 mm^2
           Number of turns = 14
           Power loss = 81.9 W
         ---- Capacitor
           Capacitance = 5.62e-04 F
           Mass = 0.54 kg
           dimensions = 104.0 (diameter) x 52.0 (heigth) mm
           H = 139.99 mm
           Power loss = 8.22e+01 W
         ---- IGBT + Diode
           Power loss IGBT= 467.31 W
           Power loss Diode= 1043.02 W
         ---- Heatsink
           Thermal resistance = 0.02 K/W
           Mass = 19.99 kg
           L = 383.44 mm
           W = 419.96 mm
           H = 139.99 mm
* Constraints (should be >0):
           Winding  surface margin = 870.683 mm²
           Induction margin = -0.000 T
           Temperature margin L= 0.000 K
           Temperature margin C= -70.230 K
           Temperature margin IBGT= 32.131 K
           Temperature margin Diode= -0.000 K
----------------------------------------------- EcoSizing of a DCDC converter#

The following thesis presents an interesting approach to the eco sizing of static converters. The objective is no longer to minimize the mass but the total energy consumed over the life of the converter. The objective becomes the sum:

  • energy corresponding to the losses of the converters (or its effect on the consumption of the system transporting it) during its operation.

  • the energy used to design it. This energy is called Embodied energy and is directly related to the mass of the materials used.

Cédric Jaouen. Méthodologie de dimensionnement sur cycle de vie d’une distribution en courant continu dans le bâtiment : applications aux câbles et convertisseurs statiques DC/DC. Autre. École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2012. Français.

Embodied energy of different material:

  • winding core: 12.6 kWh/kg copper (with a density of 8960kg/m3).

  • insulating enamel deposited on the copper wire: 3.6 kWh/kg of copper

  • magnetic material: 8 kWh/kg of ferrite

  • PVC casing of the cores: 5.25 kWh/kg of ferrite

  • capacitor: 40 kWh/kg

  • heatsink: 70 kWh/kg of aluminum

# optimization with SLSQP algorithm
contrainte=lambda x: SizingDCDC(x, 'Const')
objectif=lambda x: SizingDCDC(x, 'ObjEco')
result = scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp(func=objectif, x0=parameters, 
                                   f_ieqcons=contrainte, iter=100, acc=1e-8)

# Final characteristics after optimization 
print("Final characteristics after optimization :")

SizingDCDC(result, 'Prt')
Optimization terminated successfully    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: 2.3140222630336162
            Iterations: 38
            Function evaluations: 381
            Gradient evaluations: 38
Final characteristics after optimization :
* Optimisation variables:
           Frequency f= 5.00e+03 Hz
           Heatsink temperature (Heatsink) T_H= 62.43 [°C]
           Width W / Height H aspect ratio (Heatsink) W_H= 3.00
           Air gap / External diameter aspect ratio (Inductor) e_D= 0.02
           Wire current density (Inductor) J= 1.4e+06 [A/m²]
           Diameter / Heigth aspect ratio (Capacitor) D_H= 2.00
           Oversizing coefficient (Capacitor) k_C= 8.69
           Oversizing coefficient (IGBT) k_IGBT= 3.06
           Ripple current (DIL) DIL/IL= 35.00 %
* Components characteristics:
           Global mass = 67.29 kg
           Power = 30.00 kW
           Efficiency = 95.64 %
         ---- Inductor
           Inductance L = 89 µH
           Core (2) mass = 28.47 kg
           Coil mass = 6.56 kg
           Core dimensions = 264.1 (diameter) x 228.3 (heigth) mm
           Airgap e = 5.7 mm
           A_iron = 10098 mm^2
           Number of turns = 9
           Power loss = 29.6 W
         ---- Capacitor
           Capacitance = 4.25e-03 F
           Mass = 4.11 kg
           dimensions = 204.0 (diameter) x 102.0 (heigth) mm
           H = 136.96 mm
           Power loss = 2.14e+01 W
         ---- IGBT + Diode
           Power loss IGBT= 405.23 W
           Power loss Diode= 911.66 W
         ---- Heatsink
           Thermal resistance = 0.02 K/W
           Mass = 28.16 kg
           L = 561.81 mm
           W = 410.88 mm
           H = 136.96 mm
* Constraints (should be >0):
           Winding  surface margin = 1307.581 mm²
           Induction margin = -0.000 T
           Temperature margin L= 67.620 K
           Temperature margin C= 3.203 K
           Temperature margin IBGT= 41.239 K
           Temperature margin Diode= -0.000 K