6.16. Propeller selection (student version)#
Written by Marc Budinger (INSA Toulouse), Scott Delbecq (ISAE-SUPAERO) and Félix Pollet (ISAE-SUPAERO), Toulouse, France.
6.16.1. Design graph#
The following diagram represents the design graph of the propeller’s selection. The max thrust is assumed to be known here.
Fig. 6.19 Propeller design graph#
Exercise 6.14
Give the main sizing problems you are able to detect.
Propose one or multiple solutions (which can request equation manipulation, addition of design variables, addition of constraints)
Orientate the arrows
Give equations order, inputs/outputs at each step of this part of sizing procedure Sizing code#
Exercise 6.15
Propose a sizing code for the propeller
import numpy as np
# Specifications
rho_air = 1.18 # [kg/m^3] Air density
ND_max = 105000.0 / 60.0 * 0.0254 # [Hz.m] Max speed limit (N.D max) for APC MR propellers
# Reference parameters for scaling laws
D_pro_ref = 11.0 * 0.0254 # [m] Reference propeller diameter
M_pro_ref = 0.53 * 0.0283 # [kg] Reference propeller mass
# Assumptions
F_pro_to = 15.0 # [N] Thrust for 1 propeller during Take Off
F_pro_hov = 5.0 # [N] Thrust for 1 propeller during hover
# Design variables
## To be completed
# Equations
## To be completed
Variable Type Data/Info
D_pro_ref float 0.2794
F_pro_hov float 5.0
F_pro_to float 15.0
M_pro_ref float 0.014999
ND_max float 44.449999999999996
np module <module 'numpy' from '/op<...>kages/numpy/__init__.py'>
rho_air float 1.18 Optimization#
Exercise 6.16
Adapt the sizing code for the optimal selection of propellers of a drone with the following:
requirements: Payload mass (1 kg), Hovering time (20 min), Take off acceleration (1 g)
Design assumptions: Number of propellers per arm (1), Number of arms (4), Battery discharge margin (20%), ESC power efficiency (0.95), Motor efficiency (0.80)., a Structure+Motor / Load mass ratio (1).
# Reference battery parameters for scaling laws
M_bat_ref=0.273 # [kg] Reference mass of battery
E_bat_ref=133200 # [J] Reference Energy of battery
P_max_ref=1850 # [W] Reference max power of battery