Battery and ESC selection (student version)

6.20. Battery and ESC selection (student version)#

Written by Marc Budinger (INSA Toulouse), Scott Delbecq (ISAE-SUPAERO) and Félix Pollet (ISAE-SUPAERO), Toulouse, France.

6.20.1. Design graph#

The following diagrams represent the design graphs of the battery and ESC selection.


Fig. 6.24 Battery design graph#


Fig. 6.25 ESC design graph#

Exercise 6.18

  • Give the main sizing problems you are able to detect.

  • Propose one or multiple solutions (which can request equation manipulation, addition of design variables, addition of constraints)

  • Orientate the arrows

  • Give equations order, inputs/outputs at each step of this part of sizing procedure Sizing code#

Exercise 6.19

Propose a sizing code for the ESC and battery

# Specifications
N_pro = 4.0  # [-] Number of propellers
M_pay = 1.0  # [kg] Payload mass
nu_esc = 0.95  # [–] ESC efficiency

# Reference parameters for scaling laws
# Ref : MK-quadro
M_bat_ref = 0.329  # [kg] mass
E_bat_ref = 220.0 * 3600.0 * 0.329  # [J]
C_bat_ref = 5  # [Ah] Capacity
I_bat_max_ref = 50 * C_bat_ref  # [A] max discharge current

# Ref : Turnigy K_Force 70HV
P_esc_ref = 3108.0  # [W] Power
M_esc_ref = 0.115  # [kg] Mass

# Assumptions
U_bat_est = 14.0  # [V] Battery voltage estimation
P_el_mot_hov = 10.0  # [W] Electrical power consumption for one motor during hover
P_el_mot_to = 30.0  # [W] Electrical power consumption for one motor during takeoff
U_mot_to = 12.0  # [V] Motor voltage during takeoff

# Design variables

## To be completed
# Equations

## To be completed
Variable        Type     Data/Info
C_bat_ref       int      5
E_bat_ref       float    260568.0
I_bat_max_ref   int      250
M_bat_ref       float    0.329
M_esc_ref       float    0.115
M_pay           float    1.0
N_pro           float    4.0
P_el_mot_hov    float    10.0
P_el_mot_to     float    30.0
P_esc_ref       float    3108.0
U_bat_est       float    14.0
U_mot_to        float    12.0
nu_esc          float    0.95