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Installation guide
1. Concept of Operations and architectures
1.1. Concept of Operations
1.5. System architectures
1.8. Preliminary design of mechatronic system
2. Components, technologies, design drivers and sizing scenarios
2.1. Scenarios and Design Drivers
2.2. Quiz - Design drivers
2.3. Quiz - Sizing scenarios
2.4. Components and Technologies for Mechatronic Systems
3. Estimation models
3.1. Linear regressions
3.2. Quiz - Linear regression
3.3. Scaling laws
3.4. Quiz - Scaling Laws
4. Simulation and evaluation models
4.1. Simulation models
4.2. Quiz - Simulation models
4.5. Evaluation models
4.6. Quiz - Evaluation models
5. Optimal sizing procedures
5.1. Representation of a Design Problem and Fundamentals of Optimal Design
5.2. Optimization with python
5.3. Development of a sizing procedure using design graphs
5.4. Design graph and optimization with python
6. Package delivery UAV
6.1. Package Delivery UAV Concept of Operations
6.2. Package Delivery UAV Concept of Operations (Student version)
6.3. System architectures of the Package Delivery UAV (Student version)
6.4. System Architecture Selection for a Package Delivery UAV
6.5. Sizing scenarios and design drivers
6.7. Sizing scenarios and design drivers (student version)
6.9. Estimation models with dimensional analysis and linear regressions
6.10. Estimation models with dimensional analysis and linear regressions (student version)
6.11. Estimation models with scaling laws
6.12. Scaling laws of electrical components (student version)
6.13. Simulation models (Student version)
6.14. Sizing models for multi-rotor definition
6.15. Propeller selection
6.16. Propeller selection (student version)
6.17. Motor selection
6.18. Motor selection (student version)
6.19. Battery and ESC selection
6.20. Battery and ESC selection (student version)
6.21. Frame selection
6.22. Frame selection (student version)
6.23. Sizing of a multirotor drone
6.24. Sizing of a multirotor drone (ISAE)
6.25. Design optimization and exploration of a multirotor drone (ISAE)
6.26. Appendix 1: Sizing equations
7. VEGA Launcher TVC EMA
7.1. Modeling of the mechanical load (student version)
7.3. Modeling of the mechanical load
7.5. Estimation models with scaling laws and linear regression (student version)
7.6. Estimation models with scaling laws and linear regression
7.7. Simulation models with Python (student version)
7.8. Simulation models with Python
7.9. Evaluation models: endurance of the actuator (student version)
7.10. Evaluation models: endurance of the actuator
7.11. Sizing procedure and optimization (Student version)
7.12. Sizing procedure and optimization
7.13. Sizing procedure and optimization with OpenMDAO (Student version)
7.14. Sizing procedure and optimization with OpenMDAO
8. Lab - Sustainable mobility - Mission profile & Specification
8.1. Sustainable mobilities
8.2. Case study presentation
8.3. Case study specification (Student version)
8.4. Case study specification
8.5. Architecture of the converter and sizing scenarios (Student version)
8.6. Architecture of the converter and sizing scenarios
8.7. Hydrid Storage Architecture and Specification
9. Lab - Sustainable mobility - DC/DC converter sizing
9.1. Equations of sizing scenarios
9.2. Estimation models with scaling laws and linear regression (Student version)
9.3. Estimation models with scaling laws and linear regression
9.4. Heatsink estimation models with simple and multiple linear regressions (Student version)
9.5. Heatsink estimation models with simple and multiple linear regressions
9.6. Sizing code of an inductor
9.7. Sizing code of an inductor with surrogate models (Student version)
9.8. Sizing code of an inductor with surrogate models
9.9. Design graphs for the sizing a DC/DC converter
9.10. Sizing code of a DC/DC converter
9.11. Life Cycle Assessment of an inductor (student version)
9.12. Life Cycle Assessment of an inductor
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